Sinéad helped me to set realistic goals which I have stuck to. Before this process I had been on many crash diets which would work for a while but I just gained back the weight along with more every time. I found Sinéad’s approach very approachable, individualised and supportive.




I was having ongoing issues with bloating and diarrhoea. I had 3 consultations with Sinéad where we tried an elimination diet and altered the fibre, caffeine and alcohol in my diet. This has made a huge difference to my quality of life. I know much more about which foods trigger my symptoms now and feel I can better manage this.




Sinéad gave me excellent advice on how to manage symptoms of appetite loss and taste changes during my chemotherapy journey. Before my consultation I was struggling to maintain my weight and was feeling very low in energy all of the time. Sinéad advised my GP to prescribe certain nutritional supplements and gave me great education on how to supplement my diet with the right foods to maintain my weight and energy levels. I felt really listened to and understood during the consultations.


Sinéad helped me to challenge some of my beliefs around nutrition. I previously was focusing too much on calorie restriction and was then bingeing at times. Now I have re-trained my way of eating so that I focus on balanced meals and the nutrients in foods rather than just their calorie value. I feel more satisfied from this approach of eating and have been less tempted to binge. I now have a better understanding of my binge patterns and feel I can manage this better.


I learned a lot about my eating behavioural patterns from my work with Sinéad. She helped to guide me, to gradually change my eating patterns which helped me to control binge eating and lose weight. 






From my work with Sinéad I realised I was using exercise in an unhealthy way – as an excuse to overeat – for this reason I was not taking steps forward in my weight loss journey. Sinéad helped to give structure around my eating pattern and to take accountability for food choices and get a better balance with my eating and exercise.




Sinéad provides nutritional plans for the residents in my father’s care home. My father has been struggling to maintain weight and to eat due to swallowing problems. Sinéad spent time to phone me and explain the right types of food my father can have. She spoke to the kitchen in the care home around suitable meal and snack options and emailed me some information about the types of suitable foods to help build my father up. She also recommended suitable nutritional supplements for him which he likes. It gave me a lot of reassurance to know that his nutritional problems were being addressed by a trained professional. 


I am a registered Nurse working in a nursing home where Sinéad provides us with virtual dietitian reviews. This service works very well as we email through food charts and information about the residents. Sinéad speaks to us over the phone regularly to ensure the care plans are appropriate for the residents here and will link in with family members when required. This saves us time and referrals are always processed and completed efficiently. The process has worked very seamlessly.




Sinéad’s Nursing home reviews are always comprehensive and efficient. I would recommend this service for any other care home facility as it is very professional. Sinéad always responds promptly to referrals and queries which arise.







I really appreciate how Sinéad’s appointments were virtual appointments and she was very flexible with fitting these appointments around my schedule too.


